Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Range War in Nevada

*Warning, this post contains controversial material that may provoke hard feelings and anger. Please do not comment or message me anything negative or you will be blocked!*

I have just recently learned about a family in Nevada, that is basically having their ranch taken away in a sense. Now having lived in Nevada for almost a year, I came to like this state and wished I could have seen more of it, in the short time that I lived there.

Apparently this all started 20 yrs ago in '93 when the Nevada BLM changed people's grazing allotment rules due to an endangered tortoise which is usually the issue where grazing allotments are concerned, not just the tortoise but bird, rabbit, bear, you name it. I personally witnessed this in 2001 when water was shut off to Klamath farmers due to an endangered fish and every year it has been an issue although both sides seem to be settling down.

The rancher, in protest refused to pay his grazing fees and has been battling the BLM since then over allowing his cattle to graze where said tortoise was habituating. I doubt very much that tortoises and cattle bother each other and can co-habituate just fine.

So why are we hearing this almost 21 yrs later?

I have been reading posts on social media and from what I can gather is, that there are armed Feds involved and they are seizing the cattle, using 'contract cowboys' to round them up, and selling them at auction. I do believe a son was arrested as well just for standing up for his father, his cattle, and his way of life basically. In my opinion that is really uncalled for, a waste of tax payer money, do the Feds really think this guy has bombs or loads of weapons or something?

Armed Feds, really? are we dealing with a Waco like situation? (I know very little about the Waco deal and know it was totally different deal and I was a small child when that happened too) why do they feel the need to intimidate this family and their neighbors???

So why would a girl from Oregon who only spent a year in Nevada, give a hoot? after I am not involved nor really know what is going on.

The answer is simple, as an 'Agvocate' (Advocate for Agriculture) and a supporter of ranchers and farmers in general, I feel that what our government is doing to this rancher is uncalled for, and what is really scary is that they can do this anywhere. Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Florida, anywhere in the country. What will happen to our range lands and our right to ranch and raise cattle? will our beef have to be imported from Canada or other countries?

How long are we going to let the enviro bullies continue to step all over us? when will someone finally say "enough is enough"? I wish I had answers to that.

What I do believe is that be it cowboy, buckaroo, or whatever you call yourself, is a strong breed and probably won't be disappearing anytime soon. However, I do believe that it is time to stand up to these bullies that are supposed to be 'protecting' and 'helping' us.

In closing, I would like to say that this family is in my prayers and thoughts. My heart hurts for them, as for the ranching community as a whole. BUT, I do know that we as a group will get through this as we have for 100s of years before.

In the words of the 'Buckaroogirl' "Don't underestimate the man who feeds the land"